Become a Predict Workplace panel provider

If you’re part of a primary healthcare practice and want to start to offer medical assessments for workplace customers, you can now sign up to become a member of Enigma’s panel provider team for Predict Workplace checks.

We have a national network of corporate customers, and occupational health workers who are routinely involved in compliance checks and fit-for-work assessments; these checks can either be part of a pre-employment process or triggered by a routine schedule or by a specific event.

When our existing customers need to perform these checks they can be for candidates and employees around New Zealand. This is where our panel network of providers comes in – by having established relationships and agreements for service in place, we allow these customers to refer directly through to our panel network of GPs and Nurses who can then perform and submit the medical assessments.

To establish your account and credentials with us is easy; it is a quick, online sign up process which uses RealMe to prove your identity to Enigma, for use within Predict. Once you have proven your identity it is checked against the registers of licensed health practitioners and once approved, your account will become accredited to deliver services.

There are a limited number of assessment types which you will be asked to perform, all of which need to be completed using our online web-forms (Predict Workplace). These are easy to use and work through, they can be viewed ahead of time so that you are familiar with what is being asked.

The cost of the assessment is met by the customer, at pre-approved rates. All payments to you for services delivered are made directly to you by Enigma. Enigma recovers the costs of these services as part of our agreements with our corporate and occupational health customers.

We will account for your delivered services by providing Buyer Created Tax Invoices (BCTIs) to you, so your work to bill us is reduced / removed. Your BCTIs will be made available to you at the end of each calendar month, with payment following on the 20th of the month following service delivery.

You will remain fully in control of your appointment bookings, you’ll receive a request for each service to be delivered and will be expected to make contact with the candidates and employees to book the appointment at a time which suits you both.


If you are interested in becoming a panel provider, each practitioner will require their own, individual, personal account as it is tied to your practising license.

Have you already verified your identity with RealMe®?

The answer is yes if you have applied online and then visited a PostShop to have your photo taken, or signed up for a verified identity when you renewed your passport online.

To get started:

If you wish to apply without using RealMe® verified identity, further details are available here.

Setting up your RealMe® verified identity is quick and easy, for more information click here.

Predict Workplace

 Predict Health Monitoring

Used within a corporate setting, this allows a structured and routine set of Health Monitoring activities to be undertaken, with assessment scheduling and standardised reporting across a range of areas of health interest for your workforce.

 Predict Pre-Employment

This set of tools combines the best of the Pre-Employment assessment (fit for work) tools, with the Health Monitoring suite.