Your Heart Engine

What is Your Heart Engine?

A consistent, singular set of quality, regularly updated equations that any participating third party risk assessment tool can interface with.

Electronic clinical decision support is a rapidly growing field with more and more products offering cardiovascular risk assessment to help clinicians screen and manage patients at risk. The volume of available products means that results can be inconsistent between tools, and with a lack of an up-to-date set of risk assessment standards it is not always guaranteed that the results are as clinically accurate as possible. Your Heart Engine seeks to reduce the variation in eCDS across New Zealand with a consistent, singular set of quality, regularly updated equations that any participating third party risk assessment tool can interface with.

Your Heart Engine offers a reliable, well-maintained response with a guarantee that at least 98% of responses will take under 50ms to produce. Its response includes a patient’s risk classification, an appropriately calculated risk based on NZ guidelines, a set of more detailed explanations that you can choose to display in your tool and access to Your Heart Forecast, an interactive risk communication tool. With a Your Heart Engine license, you can also view some statistics on your tool’s uses.

Why use Your Heart Engine?

The benefits and improvements that Your Heart Engine would bring to subscribers include:

A quality risk assessment every time
Your Heart Engine takes in clinical data from any form as generic input. It then returns a risk percentage or classification for the patient and provides verbal explanations on why the risk is what it is in a format that can be easily communicated to the patient. Made by the people behind PREDICT, you can rest assured that your risk assessments are being performed by one of New Zealand’s most experienced CVRA development groups.

Developer friendly
Your Heart Engine uses a RESTful API that caters to static and dynamic forms. A static form can simply submit all its collected data once and be provided its complete response. A dynamic form can send information using AJAX calls as it goes. YHE will validate the provided data, and if it can already make a decision, it will send back the response right away without asking for more data. Otherwise, it will inform the caller that it needs to provide more data before it can respond with a risk assessment.

Access to Your Heart Forecast
A license for Your Heart Engine includes the use of Your Heart Forecast in both a clinical and consumer-based setting. The Engine response includes a personalised link to the Your Heart Forecast risk communication tool that can be used to better convey the effects of risk and prevention to patients. The patient can then take the discussion home and replay their session with their friends and family, allowing their GP visit to be more meaningful even after they’ve left the clinic.

Accreditation of CVRA tools
Your Heart Engine itself will handle all issues of data quality on the way in, and will return a well-qualified, and standardised RA value back to the third party tool.

Updates to the implemented guidelines for CVRA in all subscribing tools
As new equations are published, and as they become adopted by the guidelines makers, the centralised Engine will be updated for all, and the implementation will then be standardised across all users of these systems. The validation requirements would change accordingly, and any new data elements would be required, making adoption of the current evidence base far easier. Costs savings will be realised across the sector by the QA work being conducted once, in one place, then shared out to all subscribing systems.

Usage reporting and statistics
Your Heart Engine provides subscribers with a set of graphed reports on anonymised usage statistics for their own tool. These can be viewed online on your account pages, which also include settings to authorise clinics using your tool to use YHE, send yourself and your team email notifications or alerts, submit bug reports and more.

How to participate

Please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to arrange a demo for you.

Contact us

Please direct any queries to [email protected] or call us on +64 9 912 9100. We’d love to hear if you have any feedback or if you want to get involved with Your Heart Engine.