The leading CVD Risk visualisation tool for clinicians and patients, communicating CVD Risk using a trajectory approach.
- Patient specific, highly relevant to individuals
- Pictorial / story board approach, easy to understand
- Generates a ‘Heart Age’ for your patient
- Implements the NZ based, CVD Risk Assessment guidelines
- Evidence based, NZGG guidelines
- Created with credible partners;
- University of Auckland (SoPH) and Heart Foundation of NZ
- Integrated into PREDICT CVD-Diabetes
Communicate CVD Risk to your patients; drive early patient engagement over lifestyle interventions. Show patients the difference they can make to their future health.
Benefits of Your Heart Forecast
For Providers
- Visually show the degree of CVD Risk
- Determine the ideal risk level of your patient
- Show how far from an ideal risk level they are
- Calculate a ‘Heart Age’ for each patient
- Project future risk as your patient ages
- Interactively demonstrate the effect of
- changing modifiable risk factors (smoking)
- Provide a printable summary
- Invite your patient to re-play their forecast at home or at work
For Patients
- View your CVD risk level and categorisation Understand how far from an ideal profile you currently are, expressed both graphically and also as a ‘Heart Age’
- See how your risk will vary as you age, and when you may need to start medication
- Use the ‘WHAT-IF’ section to see how you can alter your risk, see the effect of each change
- See the difference that quitting smoking makes
- Get a personalised invitation to re-play the forecast on the Heart Foundation’s website (Know Your Numbers)
- Use Your Heart Forecast at home and talk with your family about what this means to you and the changes which you need to make
- Decide to make lifestyle changes to avoid necessary medication or hospitalisation